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4 Things You Can Do to Increase Your Hourly Pay Rate for General Laborers |
Establishing a competitive hourly pay rate for general laborers is hard when you’re on a tight budget. Wages are going up out there, so companies need to step up their hourly rates to attract the best talent. But if you have a small business and money is tight, how can you increase your hourly pay rate and still make a profit. We have four ideas that may help. |
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Spring Cleaning: Freshen Up Your Resume with These 7 Tips |
Spring is here. If you’re thinking about spring cleaning, washing windows may be top of mind. But what about a career spring cleaning? If you’ve been thinking about better job opportunities, there is no better time than spring to clean up your resume. It’s the first step toward a career shift that could change everything in the best possible way. Here are seven tips for a resume refresh that will get you noticed by employers. |
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